How do I update the credit card number or expiration date I have on file?
To update the credit card used to bill your account, click here.
You will need to log in before making any changes. If you're not already logged in, you'll be directed to the login page. After logging in, you will automatically be taken to the correct page. Any updates made to your credit card will take effect immediately.
How do I update my billing address?
To update your billing address, click here.
You will need to log in before making any changes. If you're not already logged in, you'll be directed to the login page. After logging in, you will automatically be taken to the correct page. Any updates made to your billing address will take effect immediately.
How do I cancel my account?
To cancel your account, click here.
Cancellations take effect at the next renewal date. Your subscription will be valid and will operate normally until it expires, but it will not renew, and you will not have access after its expiration.
How do I upgrade my monthly account to an annual subscription?
If you signed up for any of our digital subscriptions at the monthly rate of $6.95, you can extend your subscription to 6 full months for just $23.00 more, or you can upgrade to 12 full months for just $48.00 more. This way, you get the same best-price deal as those who subscribed for a 6 month or 12 month subscription from the start.
To upgrade your account, click here.
What payment methods do you accept?
Bob & Tom VIP Lounge accepts VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and electronic check. We accept VISA and MasterCard also accept debit cards with the VISA or MasterCard logos.
Is it possible to give a subscription as a gift?
Absolutely! You can give a gift of 6 months to most of our subscription-based websites for only $29.95, or 12 months for only $54.95. All gift subscriptions are a one-time charge only, meaning that it will not automatically renew at your expense.
To purchase a subscription, click here.
I clicked the subscribe button, but didn't get a password on the next screen, or a confirming email with my account information. Did I subscribe, or not?
Most likely, you did not complete the subscription process properly. Once you enter your information and click subscribe, our system makes a number of tests of your information. It checks to make sure that your credit card information is valid, that the address you entered matches the billing address on your credit card, and that all fields have information in them. If any of this information is missing or incorrect when you click the subscribe button, you are returned to the form to make corrections.
We have observed that some people think, upon being returned to this form, that they have actually completed the subscription process. They haven't, and as a result do not receive a confirmation email or password. Every successful subscription will lead to a confirmation page with your billing information, your user name, and your password. If you did not see such a page, your subscription was not completed, and you were not billed. You may subscribe again, using care to read and print the confirmation email.
If you are accidentally billed twice, please contact us and we will credit your account at once.